Monday, October 27, 2008

Logan and Tevin... I have been photographing this little one his whole little life.. Wow how they do grow up and fast! Now Tevin on the other hand is as handsome as they come agreed? I would love the opportunity to take him out out and capture his true personality! Zach came along and was a huge help with the reflector and Logan! Thanks Zach you rock!

Little Logan

Christmas card special
Are you ready for the busy holiday season?
Thought about christmas cards or gifts yet?
Well I will be in Rigby November 14 & 15th doing a school
fundraiser. These prices are awesome so if you would like more info on them email me at and I will send you over a flyer! Happy Holidays

Okay Ladies my hot cousin is coming to town for a short stay, like a night to be exact, so if you want to see him give me a buz and come on over!!